ACCA Online Classes December 2013 Announcement and Quick Excel Tip on Duplicating Excel Worksheets

This time around the post is a mix plate. Some of you were worried that how come key strokes are silent on Excel for more than 24 hours. So here you have the confession...

Excel Mouse Mayhem – 35+ Mouse tricks for mouse mongers

I know many of the Excel users prefer keyboard shortcuts and Excel does provide plenty of them. But if we are keen to know and remember keyboard tricks then we should pay some homage...

Birth Dates Heat Map in Excel – How To

First off whoever has birthday on July the 7th my best wishes to all of them. You people have a very interesting birth date. 7 and 7. Everyone's birthday is interesting in one or...

Replace a formula with the value or final result – Super Easily

Formula and Excel is a bond not meant to break. Although formula do help us get the values we want. But often you find that it will be code that you just get have...

Excel Most Wanted – Selection shortcut keys Mega collection

While working in Excel or any data related job selection is one job in itself. And even in Excel it is not easy when you making your way through thousands of cells. However, life is much...

Excel Custom Shortcuts – Reaping real benefits of Quick Access Toolbar

Many excel beginners especially those who are using version 2007 and later a small bar which is by default placed above ribbon alongside the title bar and many recognize it for its UNDO button....

How to show 0 (digit) as text ZERO or Nil or anything in Excel Excel is about measuring and calculating but it is not only just numbers it can also help you make the information more understandable and user friendly. In calculations we often get a result 0...

40+ Excel navigational shortcuts to make accounting job super efficient

With the advent of user interface we are able to use mouse and other input devices. But when it comes to speed, efficiency and productivity keyboard is still EXCELlent above anything else i.e. K...

Top 10 Excel keyboard shortcuts for Accountants

Excel and accountants are two interconnected entities. Around the world excel is the most active computer application in the hands of accountants. Even if accountants have some other accounting software at their disposal they...