Make Budgets in Excel with Expenditure Limit – Budget Ceiling using Data Validation ...
Budgets help control the expenditures even before they actually incur. The concept of budget is to provide a ceiling or cap to expenditures so that departments or cost centers don't exceed a certain limit.
ABC Analysis using Conditional Formatting in Excel
ABC analysis is an inventory management technique in which stock is classified in usually three categories on the basis of their importance. Such classification help management to concentrate their efforts on such products that...
Conditionally Format Chart’s Background in Excel – How To
Excel charting is in the air for last few weeks and we are learning some really cool tricks on making charts better looking and also fulfilling the purpose. Today we will learn how to...
How to LOOKUP using ONLY Conditional Formatting in Excel
Few days back we learnt how to do 2-way lookup i.e. looking up the value against two criteria. You can learn it in detail here: How to do 2 Way Lookup in Excel – One...
Highlight every Nth row in Excel Tables – How To
By default, every second row in Excel tables is highlighted and the other option is to turn highlighting off completely. Though it does help most often but often times we may find a need...
Highlight Excel errors in the worksheet using Conditional Formatting [Quick Tip]
In my last Excel article I discussed different types of errors we can run into while working in Excel with reasons and solutions to correct them. I strongly recommend reading Understanding, Detecting and Correcting Excel...
Compare two lists for duplicates or unique values in no time using Excel
Last time we learnt a technique to compare two lists for similar values using conditional formatting. You can learn more about it at this page.
However the formula we employed had its limitations as it...
Birth Dates Heat Map in Excel – How To
First off whoever has birthday on July the 7th my best wishes to all of them. You people have a very interesting birth date. 7 and 7. Everyone's birthday is interesting in one or...
Comparing two columns to highlight Duplicates in the same row – Excel Conditional Formatting
Back to Excel after a long time. But now starting to relax a little as course is concluded for many subjects I teach. I really missed my Excel community and I really want to...
Formatting Numbers in Excel – Conditional Formatting Vs Custom Number Formatting
Accountants are always dealing with numbers. And its not always about highlighting positives. In some cases we have to make negative numbers standout and having a negative sign is just not enough. Similarly to...