Making Aging Analysis Reports Using Excel – How To
Aging analysis is helping accountants since ages and is one of those reports that are prepared mostly in Excel to track both receivables and payables. So today we are learning how to conduct aging...
Using Conditional Formatting to highlight range of percentages in Excel
With conditional formatting feature, Excel makes even the numeric bits easy to understand with visual aids. Conditional formatting lets you format the cell and text within in relation to particular condition.
Suppose you want your...
How to LOOKUP using ONLY Conditional Formatting in Excel
Few days back we learnt how to do 2-way lookup i.e. looking up the value against two criteria. You can learn it in detail here: How to do 2 Way Lookup in Excel – One...
FREE Excel Invoice Template V1.0 with Customer and Product list – Unlocked + Download...
Everyone loves getting paid but to get paid one needs to send invoice and to make an invoice that is not only effective from a business perspective but also help you get invoicing done...
Birth Dates Heat Map in Excel – How To
First off whoever has birthday on July the 7th my best wishes to all of them. You people have a very interesting birth date. 7 and 7. Everyone's birthday is interesting in one or...
10+ ways to make Excel Variance Reports and Charts – How To
Whether it is daily life thing or any day at work, we are always comparing to see whats good and what is not so good. This differential analysis has a much popular name as variance...
Highlight Excel errors in the worksheet using Conditional Formatting [Quick Tip]
In my last Excel article I discussed different types of errors we can run into while working in Excel with reasons and solutions to correct them. I strongly recommend reading Understanding, Detecting and Correcting Excel...
Conditional COUNT in Excel: Count cells meeting multiple criteria + Data Cleanup Tip
We have been provided with a top secret data of one lab situated at the very center of the earth. A team of vigilant individuals take readings of different parameters to monitor the temperature...
Highlight every Nth row in Excel Tables – How To
By default, every second row in Excel tables is highlighted and the other option is to turn highlighting off completely. Though it does help most often but often times we may find a need...
Make Budgets in Excel with Expenditure Limit – Budget Ceiling using Data Validation ...
Budgets help control the expenditures even before they actually incur. The concept of budget is to provide a ceiling or cap to expenditures so that departments or cost centers don't exceed a certain limit.