How to Highlight Blank Cells in Excel using Conditional Formatting [Quick Tip]
With huge data pinpointing blank cells is near to impossible. Sometimes back we learnt how to fill blank cells with zero using Go-To special feature in Excel. But what if we only want to...
Making Interactive Charts in Excel [How To]
Graphs and charts are amazing tools to understand the information in the blink of an eye. It not only saves you from reading at all levels. That is why charts and Excel is one...
Splitting/Extracting Username and Domain name in Email address using Excel [LEFT and FIND function...
A classical scenario to understand the excellence of Excel. There might be situations where we would like to split the email address in two parts i.e. the username (part at the left of @...
Adding specific Prefix to All cells or Specific cells in Excel – 3 Methods...
A dear friend of mine contacted me early in the morning and the length of his message was evident that he has tried his best to get his head round the problem but in...
Making Aging Analysis Reports Using Excel – How To
Aging analysis is helping accountants since ages and is one of those reports that are prepared mostly in Excel to track both receivables and payables. So today we are learning how to conduct aging...
Remove leading Apostrophe (‘) in Excel Data from Numbers and Text – How To
This question is asked by one of the member at our facebook community. He was stuck in common problem. Leading apostrophes. This is often the case if data is extracted from a famous business...
How Excel VLOOKUP Works: How to use it – Explanation with Example
While explaining LOOKUPs in my previous post, I explained how in daily life we apply lookup functions in different situations and to understand better I explained the example of mathematical lookup table to find...
How Excel LOOKUPs Work: Demystifying mighty functions with an example from past [1 of...
Functions to Excel is like Sense to Humans. Humans with absent sense are no better than crawlers walking on two legs, without functions Excel is just another program with ability to store information and...
Randomly Select a Name from a list in Excel – How To
Suppose you have a long long list of customers from which you have to select a random name. Now this is certainly not a problem if you have tens or even few hundreds of...
10+ ways to SUM Top N values in Excel data range – Ready to...
We all love to add things up. Its always good if things add up to the way we want. And no doubt from Excel newbie to pro everyone uses SUM formula. We have recently...