Part 1: Introduction + Executive Summary
Part 2: Why impairment is needed?
Part 3: Impairment, Measuring recoverable amount
Part 4: Impairment loss – Individual assets other than goodwill, Cash generating unit (CGU)
Part 5: Impairment loss for cash-generating unit (CGU), Reversing an impairment loss
Executive Summary
As per IAS 36 if the carrying amount of asset is more than the recoverable amount of asset then it must be reduced to recoverable amount. Recoverable amount is higher of net realisable value and value in use. If it is not easy to determine the value addition by individual asset then IAS 36 allows to treat multiple asset as one unit to calculate impairment and ultimately the related impairment is written off on proportionate basis. However, things get a little complex if it involves specific impairment and goodwill recognized as asset and IAS 36 provides detailed guidelines on such matters.