Microsoft Excel Keyboard Shortcuts – Mega Collection

Microsoft Excel’s best side is its shortcuts. These are pure productivity enhancement toppings that everyone craves to learn and know as many as they can as they not only speeds up things but also gives you freedom of multiple input devices at one time.

The following collection of shortcuts is still a work in progress. As I have found that many users are still using Excel 2007 and 2010 version so a keyboard shortcuts only Excel 2013 version won’t suffice. However, collecting all the shortcuts across different versions is a big feat but it must be done. In coming days I will update the list with shortcuts in version 2007 and 2013 with details if they are compatible across versions etc.

I used Excel 2010 as a base version to collect all the shortcuts of Excel in one place. And the result is produced as following. You can access the interactive list of keyboard shortcuts by clicking the green button and it will let you sort, filter and many other things to let you find the keyboard shortcut you want. The keys mentioned in orange-like colour are my personal favourite.

<—- Don’t Forget to click ME! This will open an interactive chart that can help you immensely to find shortcuts for particular need 

Category Hold (Combo) Key Press Key type Description/Output
None Esc Miscellaneous Escapes command / interface
None F1 Function Keys Opens Excel help
Data Entry None F2 Function Keys Enter Edit mode
Data Management None F3 Function Keys opens Past name dialogue box if names are already defined
Formula None F4 Function Keys If not in edit mode: repeats last action
If in editing mode: having cursor with cell address in formula, cycles through absolute and relative references
Navigation None F5 Function Keys Opens Go To dialogue box
Navigation None F6 Function Keys Switch between worksheet, ribbon, task pane, zoom controls
Data Management None F7 Function Keys Executes “check spelling” command and opens spelling check dialogue box
Selection None F8 Function Keys Toggles Extended selection mode on and off
Formula None F9 Function Keys Performs recalculation in all worksheets
Navigation None F10 Function Keys Toggles ribbon shortcut keys (key tips) on and off. Alternative to Alt key
Features None F11 Function Keys Inserts a chart of the active range
Options None F12 Function Keys Opens “Save As” dialogue box
Input None ~ or ` Miscellaneous `
Input None 1 Numeric keys 1
Input None 2 Numeric keys 2
Input None 3 Numeric keys 3
Input None 4 Numeric keys 4
Input None 5 Numeric keys 5
Input None 6 Numeric keys 6
Input None 7 Numeric keys 7
Input None 8 Numeric keys 8
Input None 9 Numeric keys 9
Input None 0 Numeric keys 0
Input None  – or _ Miscellaneous
Input None  + or = Miscellaneous =
Data Entry None Backspace Miscellaneous If in edit mode: normal backspace function i.e. delete one character at left
If not in edit mode: Deletes cell content and enters edit mode
Navigation None Tab Miscellaneous If in edit mode: Exits edit mode and moves right
If not in edit mode: Simply moves right
Input None Q Alpha keys q
Input None W Alpha keys w
Input None E Alpha keys e
Input None R Alpha keys r
Input None T Alpha keys t
Input None Y Alpha keys y
Input None U Alpha keys u
Input None I Alpha keys i
Input None O Alpha keys o
Input None P Alpha keys p
Input None { OR [ Miscellaneous [
Input None } OR ] Miscellaneous ]
Input None | OR \ Miscellaneous \
Input None A Alpha keys a
Input None S Alpha keys s
Input None D Alpha keys d
Input None F Alpha keys f
Input None G Alpha keys g
Input None H Alpha keys h
Input None J Alpha keys j
Input None K Alpha keys k
Input None L Alpha keys l
Input None ; or : Miscellaneous ;
Input None  ‘ or “ Miscellaneous  ‘
Input None Enter Miscellaneous If in edit mode: Completes cell input. Exits edit mode and move one cell (row) down
If not in edit mode then simply move one cell (row) down
Input None Z Alpha keys z
Input None X Alpha keys x
Input None C Alpha keys c
Input None V Alpha keys v
Input None B Alpha keys b
Input None N Alpha keys n
Input None M Alpha keys m
Input None , OR < Miscellaneous ,
Input None . OR > Miscellaneous .
Input None / OR ? Miscellaneous If in edit mode: /
If not in edit mode: toggle ribbon shortcuts (key tips) and quick access toolbar shortcuts ON
None Print Screen Special Keys Print Screen
Data Entry None Insert Special Keys If in edit mode: toggles overtype mode on and off
Input None Delete Special Keys If in edit mode: works as normal delete
If not in edit mode: Deletes cell content without entering edit mode
Navigation None End Special Keys Toggles End mode on and off
Navigation None Home Special Keys Moves to the first cell of row
If scroll lock is on: moves to the top-left cell of the  visible excel workspace
Navigation None Page Up Special Keys Move worksheet up by one screen
Navigation None Page Down Special Keys Move worksheet down by one screen
Navigation None Arrow Up Directional Keys Move one cell (row) up
If scroll lock is on then move whole screen up by one row
Navigation None Arrow Down Directional Keys Move one cell (row) down
If scroll lock is on then move whole screen down by one row
Navigation None Arrow Left Directional Keys Move one cell (column) left
Navigation None Arrow Right Directional Keys Move one cell (column) right
Input None Spacebar Miscellaneous On cells: Enters edit mode and input Space
In menus, dialogue boxes acts as button press. In check boxes checks or unchecks, in case of radio buttons selects
Navigation None Alt Miscellaneous Toggles ribbon tool tips on and off
Options None Properties button Miscellaneous Opens context (properties) menu
Data Entry Shift F2 Function Keys Adds a comment and enter edit mode in comment
If comment already exists then enter edit mode of comment
Formula Shift F3 Function Keys Insert function by opening function dialogue box
Data Entry Shift F4 Function Keys Repeats last find action
Navigation Shift F6 Function Keys Switch between worksheet, zoom control, task pane and ribbon (reverse to F6)
Selection Shift F8 Function Keys Enables user to add non-adjacent cells to selection without holding Shift key down
Formula Shift F9 Function Keys Performs recalculation in active worksheet only
Options Shift F10 Function Keys Opens context (properties) menu
Options Shift F11 Function Keys Inserts a new worksheet in active workbook
Input Shift F12 Function Keys Save file (same as Ctrl+S)
Input Shift ~ or ` Miscellaneous ~
Input Shift 1 Numeric keys !
Input Shift 2 Numeric keys @
Input Shift 3 Numeric keys #
Input Shift 4 Numeric keys $
Input Shift 5 Numeric keys %
Input Shift 6 Numeric keys ^
Input Shift 7 Numeric keys &
Input Shift 8 Numeric keys *
Input Shift 9 Numeric keys (
Input Shift 0 Numeric keys )
Input Shift  – or _ Miscellaneous _
Input Shift  + or = Miscellaneous +
Selection Shift Backspace Miscellaneous If multiple cells are selected, reduce selection only to active cell
Navigation Shift Tab Miscellaneous Move to one cell (column) left. In tables it is moving back to previous cell. In dialogue boxes switch to previous field or option
Input Shift Q Alpha keys Q
Input Shift W Alpha keys W
Input Shift E Alpha keys E
Input Shift R Alpha keys R
Input Shift T Alpha keys T
Input Shift Y Alpha keys Y
Input Shift U Alpha keys U
Input Shift I Alpha keys I
Input Shift O Alpha keys O
Input Shift P Alpha keys P
Input Shift { OR [ Miscellaneous {
Input Shift } OR ] Miscellaneous }
Input Shift | OR \ Miscellaneous |
Input Shift A Alpha keys A
Input Shift S Alpha keys S
Input Shift D Alpha keys D
Input Shift F Alpha keys F
Input Shift G Alpha keys G
Input Shift H Alpha keys H
Input Shift J Alpha keys J
Input Shift K Alpha keys K
Input Shift L Alpha keys L
Input Shift ; or : Miscellaneous :
Input Shift  ‘ or “ Miscellaneous
Data Entry Shift Enter Miscellaneous If in edit mode: Completes cell input. Exits edit mode and move one cell (row) Up
If not in edit mode then simply move one cell (row) up
Input Shift Z Alpha keys Z
Input Shift X Alpha keys X
Input Shift C Alpha keys C
Input Shift V Alpha keys V
Input Shift B Alpha keys B
Input Shift N Alpha keys N
Input Shift M Alpha keys M
Input Shift , OR < Miscellaneous <
Input Shift . OR > Miscellaneous >
Input Shift / OR ? Miscellaneous ?
Selection Shift Arrow Up Directional Keys Extends the selection by one row above, moving away from active cell
Reduces the selection by one row below moving towards active cell
Selection Shift Arrow Down Directional Keys Extends the selection by one row below, moving away from active cell
Reduces the selection by one row above moving towards active cell
Selection Shift Arrow Left Directional Keys Extends the selection by one column left moving away from active cell
Reduces the selection by one column right moving towards active cell
Selection Shift Arrow Right Directional Keys Extends the selection by one column right moving away from active cell
Extends the selection by one column left moving towards active cell
Selection Shift Spacebar Miscellaneous Selects entire row of worksheet.
If active cell is inside table: pressing once will select entire row inside table. Pressing twice select entire row of worksheet
Options Ctrl F1 Function Keys Minimizes/maximizes excel ribbon
Options Ctrl F2 Function Keys Enter Print preview in the backstage
Data Maagement Ctrl F3 Function Keys Opens name manager dialogue box
Options Ctrl F4 Function Keys Closes active workbook/window
Options Ctrl F5 Function Keys Restores workbook/window size
Navigation Ctrl F6 Function Keys Switch to previous workbook/window if multiple workbooks/windows are open
Options Ctrl F7 Function Keys If window is not maximized (restore position) then hitting this combo enables move function and user can move window with directional keys. Press escape to exit move mode
Options Ctrl F8 Function Keys If window is not maximized (restore position) then hitting this combo enables size function and let user resize window using directional keys
Options Ctrl F9 Function Keys Minimizes workbook/window inside excel
Options Ctrl F10 Function Keys Maximizes or restores selected workbook/window in excel
Features Ctrl F11 Function Keys Inserts a new macro sheet
Options Ctrl F12 Function Keys Opens “Open file” dialogue box
Formula Ctrl ` or ~ Miscellaneous Toggle formula view on and off
Formatting Ctrl 1 Numeric keys Opens format cell dialogue box
Formatting Ctrl 2 Numeric keys Apply/Remove Bold formatting
Formatting Ctrl 3 Numeric keys Apply/Remove Italic formatting
Formatting Ctrl 4 Numeric keys Apply/Remove Underline formatting
Formatting Ctrl 5 Numeric keys Apply/Remove Strikethrough formatting
Ctrl 6 Numeric keys Hide/Display object
Ctrl 7 Numeric keys Show/hide standard tool bar (Mac only)
Formatting Ctrl 8 Numeric keys Show/hide outline symbols
Ctrl 9 Numeric keys Hides selected row
Ctrl 0 Numeric keys Hides selected column
Data Entry Ctrl  – or _ Miscellaneous Opens delete dialogue box
Navigation Ctrl Backspace Miscellaneous Scrolls back to active cell
Navigation Ctrl Tab Miscellaneous Switch to next workbook/window if multiple workbooks/windows are open
Options Ctrl W Alpha keys Closes active/selected workbook/window
Data Entry Ctrl R Alpha keys Executes “fill right” command by filling cells with content in left most cell of selected region
Features Ctrl T Alpha keys Opens “create table” diaglogue box selectig the active region automatically
Data Entry Ctrl Y Alpha keys Repeat last action (like F4)
Formatting Ctrl U Alpha keys Apply/Remove underline formatting (like Ctrl+4)
Formatting Ctrl I Alpha keys Apply/Remove Italic formatting (like Ctrl+3)
Options Ctrl O Alpha keys Opens “Open file” dialogue box (like Ctrl+F12)
Options Ctrl P Alpha keys Enter Print preview in the backstage (like Ctrl+F2)
Selection Ctrl { or [ Miscellaneous Selects cells on which formula in the active cell directly depends. In other words direct precedents
Selection Ctrl } OR ] Miscellaneous Selects cells that directly depends on the active cell i.e. dependants
Selection Ctrl \ Miscellaneous Within the selection, selects the cells in other rows with values that do not match the values in the row where active cell is
Selection Ctrl A Alpha keys Selects entire worksheet
If worksheet contains data then having active cell within the region selects entire region. Having region selected, hitting combo second time will select whole worksheet
If in formula bar and insertion point is at right to the formula name, opens function argument dialogue box
Options Ctrl S Alpha keys Save file
Data Entry Ctrl D Alpha keys Executes “fill down” command by filling content in the top most cell of selection in the cells below
Data Management Ctrl F Alpha keys Opens “find and replace” dialogue box with find tab active
Data Management Ctrl G Alpha keys Opens “Go to” dialogue box (like F5)
Navigation Ctrl H Alpha keys Opens “find and replace” dialogue box with Replace tab active
Data Entry Ctrl K Alpha keys Opens “Insert Hyperlink” dialogue box if no hyperlink exists.
Opens “Edit Hyperlink” dialogue box if hyperlink already exists
Features Ctrl L Alpha keys Opens “create table” diaglogue box selectig the active region automatically (like Ctrl+T)
Data Entry Ctrl ; Miscellaneous Input current date in active cell
Data Entry Ctrl  ‘ or “ Miscellaneous Copy the same formula as in the cell above active cell and remains in edit mode
Data Entry Ctrl Z Alpha keys Undo last action. That includes reversing (deleting) the last entry made in cell(s)
Data Entry Ctrl X Alpha keys Normal cut operation
Data Entry Ctrl C Alpha keys Copies cell or range of cells
Data Entry Ctrl V Alpha keys Paste copied cell(s)
It may paste anything that is on clipboard copied from other sources
Formatting Ctrl B Alpha keys Apply/Remove Bold formatting
Options Ctrl N Alpha keys Opens (creates) new worksheet
Selection Ctrl . Alpha keys Cycles active cell through corners of selected range
Selection Ctrl  / Miscellaneous Selects array
Data Entry Ctrl Insert Special Keys Copies cell or range of cells (like Ctrl+C)
Data Entry Ctrl Delete Special Keys Deletes cell entry (like normal delete key)
If in editing mode: deletes to the end of line from insertion point
Navigation Ctrl End Special Keys On the worksheet: moves to the last (bottom-right) cell in the worksheet
In the editing mode: moves the insertion point to the end
Navigation Ctrl Home Special Keys Moves to the beginning of worksheet
Navigation Ctrl Page Up Special Keys Switch to previous worksheet in the workbook
Navigation Ctrl Page Down Special Keys Switch the next worksheet in the workbook
Navigation Ctrl Arrow Up Directional Keys Moves to the top edge of the current region
Navigation Ctrl Arrow Down Directional Keys Moves to the bottom edge of the current region
Navigation Ctrl Arrow Right Directional Keys Moves to the right edge of the current region
Navigation Ctrl Arrow Left Directional Keys Moves to the left edge of the current region
Selection Ctrl Spacebar Miscellaneous Selects an etire column of the worksheet
If worksheet has table and active cell is within table: hitting combo once will select whole column of the table, hitting twice will select entire column of worksheet
Features Alt F1 Function Keys Inserts a chart of the active range embedded in the same worksheet
Options Alt F2 Function Keys Opens “Save As” dialogue box (like F12)
Options Alt F4 Function Keys Performs normal close application command and closes excel application
Features Alt F8 Function Keys Opens macro manager dialogue box
Features Alt F10 Function Keys Opens shape manager in the form of task pane
Features Alt F11 Function Keys Opens VBA editor
Alt  – or _ Miscellaneous
Formula Alt  + or = Miscellaneous Insert autosum formula and performs sum of the concerned cells
Options Alt Tab Miscellaneous Next application
Selection Alt ; Miscellaneous From the selection selects only visible cells
Alt  ‘ Miscellaneous Opens style dialogue box
Data Entry Alt Enter Miscellaneous If in aditing mode: hitting this combo will insert line break (soft enter)
Navigation Alt Page Up Special Keys Moves one screen to the left
Navigation Alt Page Down Special Keys Moves one screen to the right
Data Entry Alt Arrow Down Directional Keys Displays a drop down list of select items
Alt Arrow Left Directional Keys Rotate the shape selected in anti clock wise direction
Alt Arrow Right Directional Keys Rotate the shape selected in clock wise direction
Options Alt Spacebar Miscellaneous Opens window/application control box
Features Ctrl+Shift F3 Function Keys Opens “Create Names from Values” dialogue box
Data Management Ctrl+Shift F4 Function Keys Find previous
Navigation Ctrl+Shift F6 Function Keys Switch to next workbook/window if multiple workbooks/windows are open
Options Ctrl+Shift F12 Function Keys Goes to print preview in the bakstage view
Formatting Ctrl+Shift  ` or ~ Miscellaneous Apply general number format
Formatting Ctrl+Shift 1 Numeric keys Apply number format with two decimal places, thousandth separator in form of comma and minus (-) sign for negative for numbers
Formatting Ctrl+Shift 2 Numeric keys Apply time format with hours and minutes expressed in 12 hours format with AM or PM
Formatting Ctrl+Shift 3 Numeric keys Apply date format with day, month and year
Formatting Ctrl+Shift 4 Numeric keys Apply currency format with figures expressed correct to two decimal places and negative figures in round brackets
Formatting Ctrl+Shift 5 Numeric keys Apply percentage format with figures expressed in whole numbers i.e. without decimals
Formatting Ctrl+Shift 6 Numeric keys Applies scientific number format with figures expressed up two decimal places
Formatting Ctrl+Shift 7 Numeric keys Apply outline border to cell or selected cells
Selection Ctrl+Shift 8 Numeric keys If active cell is within range: selects whole range or area within range upto blank cell(s) around sub-region
Ctrl+Shift 9 Numeric keys Unhides hidden rows within selection
Ctrl+Shift 0 Numeric keys Unhides hidden columns within selection
Formatting Ctrl+Shift  – or _ Miscellaneous Removes outline border from cell or selected cells
Features Ctrl+Shift  + or = Miscellaneous Opens insert dialogue box to insert rows or columns
Navigation Ctrl+Shift Tab Miscellaneous Switch to previous workbook/window if multiple workbooks/windows are open
Formula Ctrl+Shift U Alpha keys Toggles expand/collapse formula bar
Data Entry Ctrl+Shift O Alpha keys Selects all cells that have comments attached
Formatting Ctrl+Shift P Alpha keys Opens format cell dialogue box with font tab selected
Selection Ctrl+Shift [ or { Miscellaneous Selects cells on which formula in the active cell directly or indirectly depends. In other words all precedents
Selection Ctrl+Shift ] or } Miscellaneous Selects cells that directly or indirectly depends on the active cell i.e. all dependents
Formula Ctrl+Shift A Alpha keys Having the formula written and insertion point at the right of function: prints the formula syntax (arguments with brackets) in the cell as mentioned as tool top while writing formula
Formatting Ctrl+Shift F Alpha keys Opens format cell dialogue box with font tab selected
Features Ctrl+Shift L Alpha keys Toggle Filter on/off
Data Entry Ctrl+Shift ; or : Miscellaneous Inserts current system time and stays in editing mode
Data Entry Ctrl+Shift  ‘ or “ Miscellaneous Copies value from the cell immediately above and stays in editing mode
Selection Ctrl+Shift End Special Keys Selects a region from the active cell to the last cell used in the worksheet
Selection Ctrl+Shift Home Special Keys Selects a region from the active cell to the beginning of worksheet
Selection Ctrl+Shift Page Up Special Keys Selects current and previous worksheet. This can be repeated to select multiple worksheets backwards
Selection Ctrl+Shift Page Down Special Keys Selects current and next worksheet. This can be repeated to select multiple worksheets forwards
Selection Ctrl+Shift Arrow Up Directional Keys Extends the selection from the active cell to non-blank cell above in the same column as active cell. If immediate cell above is blank then extends the selection to next blank cell above
Selection Ctrl+Shift Arrow Down Directional Keys Extends the selection from the active cell to non-blank cell below In the same column as active cell. If immediate cell above is blank then extends the selection to next blank cell below
Selection Ctrl+Shift Arrow Right Directional Keys Extends the selection from the active cell to non-blank cell to the right In the same row as active cell. If immediate cell above is blank then extends the selection to next blank cell to the right
Selection Ctrl+Shift Arrow Left Directional Keys Extends the selection from the active cell to non-blank cell to the left In the same row as active cell. If immediate cell above is blank then extends the selection to next blank cell to the left
Selection Ctrl+Shift Spacebar Miscellaneous Selects entire worksheet
If worksheet  contains data then hittin this combo will select entire current region. Hitting twice will also select summary rows of current region. Hitting thrice will select entire worksheet
Having object selected: selects all objects in the same worksheet
Options Alt+Shift F1 Function Keys Inserts new worksheet to active workbook before active worksheet
Alt+Shift F10 Function Keys Opens a message for smart tag. If multiple smart tag exists in worksheet then switches to next tag and displays message for that tag
Formula Alt+Ctrl F9 Function Keys Performs recalculation on all worksheets in all the open workbooks currently
Data Entry Alt+Ctrl V Alpha keys Opens Paste special dialogue box only if content is available on clipboard copied from excel or other source
Formula Alt+Ctrl+Shift F9 Function Keys Recheck dependants and performs recalculation in all worksheets in workbooks currently open

So here you have a big excel keyboard shortcuts collection which is still growing and getting better. If you want to chip in and can tell us which one we missed in our list or to make the collection better in any way that would be really great for the whole excel community. Looking forward to your excellent comments!


  1. Dear Sir, kindly send me excel formulas and accounting software.


  2. Excellent

  3. Raja Tariq Kayani Raja Tariq Kayani

    Dear Sir, I have required order form / invoices & book keeping a record of those. please help me how i got in excel 2007.

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