Chooses a specified value from a given set of values
Chooses a specified value from a given set of values
Syntax of Excel CHOOSE formula:
In words:
=Choose(this value from, this value1, or this value2, and other values mentioned so on…)
index_num: is the number we have to provide. It can be a hard-coded figure or a cell address that has a number or another function that helps get a number. So it all boils down to a numbah! And based on this number function will return the value which we mention in the next argument.
value 1, [Value 2], [Value 3]: are the packages or options that we provide to Excel. It has to be at least one option for Excel to choose from that is why Value 1 is mandatory but later ones are optional. This formula can hold up to 254 options/packages/values.
Excel CHOOSE function in detail: Understanding Excel CHOOSE() function [Intro]
=CHOOSE(2,100,200,300,400,500,600,700,800,900,1000) will give 200 as the second value is 200.
=CHOOSE(1,SUM(B2:B5),AVERAGE(B2:B5),MAX(B2:B5),MIN(B2:B5)) will return the sum of range B2:B5 as first value requires SUM function to be performed.