What is Expectation gap in auditing?
Auditing expectation gap or simply expectation gap is the term used to signify the difference in expectations of users of financial statements and auditor's expectation concerning audited financial statements. Although its about expectations but...
What are the five components of internal control system?
Internal control system is implemented by the management or those charged with governance to assure that entity's objectives regarding reporting, compliance with applicable laws and effectiveness and efficiency of operations is achieved. However, this...
What is Emphasis of Matter paragraph and when is it used?
Emphasis of matter paragraph, as the name suggests, is a paragraph that is included by the auditor in his report (audit report) to direct the attention of users of financial statements to a matter...
What is the difference between Audit engagement and Assurance engagement?
In few words, all audit engagements are assurance engagements but not all assurance engagements are audit engagements. Audit engagement is one type of assurance engagement that provides reasonable assurance. Assurance engagements can be reasonable...
What is meant by inherent limitations of audit and what are these?
Inherent limitations are such features of audit that constrains the auditor to obtain absolute assurance. It is because of these inherent limitations of audit the practitioner cannot assure the users of financial statements that...
What is the difference between modified and unmodified audit report?
Audit report is said to be unmodified if auditor releases such report which has the exactly the same format or contents as are mentioned for the report which should be given if financial statements...
What are different types of audit reports or auditor’s reports?
The nature and type of reports issued by the practitioner depends on the type of assurance engagement. However we will be speaking strictly in context of audit engagement as the question is about the...
What is the difference between Assurance and Attestation in auditing?
Putting it in few words then assurance engagement is much broader term and concept as compared to attestation engagement. It will not be wrong if we say that all attestation engagements are assurance engagements...
What is Control risk?
Control risk has been defined under International Standards of Auditing (ISAs) as following:
The risk that a misstatement that could occur in an assertion about a class of transaction, account balance or disclosure and that...
What is the difference between Emphasis of Matter paragraph and Other Matter paragraph?
Auditor is required to express his opinion in the form of a written report called auditor's report. Although auditor's responsibility and also the purpose of auditor's report is to convey primarily the auditor's opinion...