Yes Excel cells and coloumns and rows and you can apply colors and borders but problem with that formatting such way is kind of static i.e. if your data expands or contracts it does not adjusts itself accordingly. Solution to this is Tables. Having your data range formatted in tables your data automatically gets several features embedded like filter, sort etc.
In addition to that it adjusts itself with the changing data range so it saves you extra formatting clicks. It becomes an independent entity within one worksheet. And you can apply functions and features even with the name of table. So its not only about looks just!
How to do it
Have an active cell within data range on which you want table feature to be applied and this can be achieved in two ways:
- Click Insert tab and from Tables group click Tables button.
- In Home tab find Styles group and from it click Format as Table button
Once converted to tables, the first thing you will notice is that data rangers now have small drop down arrows which you normally get when filter feature is applied.
Other than looks these tables come rich in data management features. For example handling data on different sources connected with worksheet. And what other secrets Excel tables hold a detailed tutorial is on the schedule already.