Payroll calculator with Piece Work wage payments in Excel – How to Series

In every organization small or big we have to process salaries and wages also known as payroll. And this process is carried out sometimes on monthly basis or weekly and sometimes on daily basis as well. This is a repetitive process that accountants cannot escape and if wage calculation basis are little complex then one can end up making mistakes which can grow multiple times with the increase in workforce or other factors.

It is much easier if we learn how to process payroll using Excel as it not only cut down amount of effort you have to apply every time but also make results to be produced efficiently and accurately.

Wage payment systems can be of two types:

  • Time based
  • Work based or piece work based

In this Excel How to we will learn to make payroll calculations with the help of excel for the following different types of work based wage payment plans:

  1. Simple straight piece work wage system – >>> Jump to this tutorial
  2. Straight piece work with guaranteed or minimum wage – >>> Jump to this tutorial
  3. differential wage system
    1. wage calculated on total units produced – >>> Jump to this tutorial
    2. wage calculated on multiple pay levels or brackets or slabs or scales basis – >>> Jump to this tutorial
    3. wage calculator with varying pay scales – increasing or decreasing – >>> Jump to this tutorial
    4. Taylor system – >>> Jump to this tutorial
    5. Merrick system – >>> Jump to this tutorial
    6. Gantt system (a.k.a Gantt task and bonus system) – >>> Jump to this tutorial
    7. Emerson system (a.k.a Emerson’s efficiency system) – >>> Jump to this tutorial
  4. A peek into simple wage calculator or wage report generator

I have arranged the above list from the easiest to the toughest in the list so that beginners can easily catch up with new ideas that are pitched as we progress through this excel tutorial. So lets start! 🙂


  1. Dear sir,

    Do you have any Excel file that make easy to understand this.
    I want to use this because i have to pay labour wages

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