10+ ways to SUM Top N values in Excel data range – Ready to...

We all love to add things up. Its always good if things add up to the way we want. And no doubt from Excel newbie to pro everyone uses SUM formula. We have recently...

Budget Vs Actual – Analyzing Profit and Loss Statements in Excel using Pivot tables

This tutorial is effectively a continuation of last tutorial on profit and loss statements using pivot tables in which we learnt how to make a report in Excel using pivot tables feature to make...

Break-even + Target profit analysis with Excel Goal Seek – How To

Break-even point is simply the point of activity where entity is making no profit or loss. Therefore, break-even analysis in simple words help determine that what value of certain variable (or variables) under given...

Create Project Timeline Charts in Excel – [How To] + Free Template

Today we are learning how to create project timelines or project timeline charts in Excel. One can say that timeline charts are simpler versions of gantt chart as they usually don't involve activity's stage...

Excel Pivot Tables – Grouping Data by Date and Time

Where reporting is about numbers and analysis, the big part of it is also about time. And to best understand the situation you sometime have to want information specific to certain time period or grouped for...

Count Specific Weekday or Weekdays within Data range containing Dates

Often we have to deal with dates as they form integral part of almost every data set. But what if you want to count specific weekdays within a large range of dates? This is...

Running totals and Running balance in Excel – How to

On daily basis accountants prepare day books and ledgers as regular part of accounting cycle. Usually students in the beginning learn to prepare accounts in T format. However, professional accountants maintain accounting books in...

Replace a formula with the value or final result – Super Easily

Formula and Excel is a bond not meant to break. Although formula do help us get the values we want. But often you find that it will be code that you just get have...

Stock Ageing Analysis Reports using Excel – How To

Stock is one of the most important investment made by the entity. Optimum quantity and turnover period is essential for entity to be successful. Faster the conversion, better the prospects for entity as inventories...

Grand Totals to the left of Excel Pivot Table instead of default right

In pivot tables by default grand totals appear at the right end of the report. But sometimes the pivot table is so wide that user just can't see the grand totals and we have...