Stock Ageing Analysis Reports using Excel – How To

Stock is one of the most important investment made by the entity. Optimum quantity and turnover period is essential for entity to be successful. Faster the conversion, better the prospects for entity as inventories...

Remove leading Apostrophe (‘) in Excel Data from Numbers and Text – How To

This question is asked by one of the member at our facebook community. He was stuck in common problem. Leading apostrophes. This is often the case if data is extracted from a famous business...

Top 10 Excel keyboard shortcuts for Accountants

Excel and accountants are two interconnected entities. Around the world excel is the most active computer application in the hands of accountants. Even if accountants have some other accounting software at their disposal they...

Building a reference to specific Worksheet based on Cell value using Formula

Most of the time businesses are managed using specialized software but when it comes to a final touch in reporting the data is exported to Excel where calculations and everything is done much more...

Making Profit and Loss Statements in Excel using Pivot tables

Being an accountant myself trust me I hate numbers and all that journals and "T" accounts. But its necessary to get to much meaningful financial statements like Statement of Financial Position (Balance sheet) and Profit...

Excel Mouse Mayhem – 35+ Mouse tricks for mouse mongers

I know many of the Excel users prefer keyboard shortcuts and Excel does provide plenty of them. But if we are keen to know and remember keyboard tricks then we should pay some homage...

Making Cash flow summary in Excel using Pivot tables with data on multiple worksheets

Cash flow summaries are scary because of piles of data. But it is a routine work and accountants have to go through it every accounting period (monthly, quarterly and/or annually). Few days back I was approached...

How to change currency format in Excel? How to have Pakistani Rupees (Rs) currency...

In almost every office of the world when it comes to money accountants come to excel. Although excel can handle money matters but when it comes to currency by default we have Dollar ($)...

Running totals and Running balance in Excel – How to

On daily basis accountants prepare day books and ledgers as regular part of accounting cycle. Usually students in the beginning learn to prepare accounts in T format. However, professional accountants maintain accounting books in...

Grand Totals to the left of Excel Pivot Table instead of default right

In pivot tables by default grand totals appear at the right end of the report. But sometimes the pivot table is so wide that user just can't see the grand totals and we have...