Making a Slope Chart or Bump Chart in Excel – How To
Excel has many different styles of charts and graphs inbuilt and one can make them with a single click. A great convenience to have. But for charts and graphs convenience is required, merited and...
Conditional Charts in Excel – Workaround + How To
Last time we learnt how to make simple dial charts. There is so much to be discussed as basics to Excel charting but without little fun and doing out of ordinary is what everyone...
Conditionally Format Chart’s Background in Excel – How To
Excel charting is in the air for last few weeks and we are learning some really cool tricks on making charts better looking and also fulfilling the purpose. Today we will learn how to...
Make Waffle Charts in Excel using Conditional Formatting – How To
To get the inspiration for better charts and Excel dashboards one must be observant of such pieces of information that are often found in newspapers and the internet. For that matter, Pinterest and The...
Create Simple Dial Charts in Excel – How To
Charting or graphing is one of the biggest punch Excel has. Visual presentation of data greatly improves user's ability to comprehend the information and significantly cuts down the time to take decisions. That is...
Excel chart of Top / Bottom “N” values using RANK() function and Form controls
Ever fancied that you have large set of data and from it you can have a chart of top or bottom N values and better yet you have the ability to switch between chart...
Making Interactive Charts in Excel [How To]
Graphs and charts are amazing tools to understand the information in the blink of an eye. It not only saves you from reading at all levels. That is why charts and Excel is one...
Moving X-axis labels at the bottom of the chart below negative values in Excel
By default if you insert a bar chart or line chart, the x-axis labels are stuck at 0 position of the axis. This usual behaviour gets in the way especially if you have negative values...
Excel Chart with highest value in different colour – Multi Color Bar Charts [How...
Reports and charts goes together and the biggest reason to have charts in reports is to add visual treat that makes it super easy for everyone to decide instantly. To toss it even further...
Add a vertical line to Gantt Chart or Stacked Bar Chart in Excel –...
In last tutorial on gantt chart in Excel for project managers we learnt the simplest and fastest way to chart project activities/tasks. Today we are learning how to add a vertical line on the...