Rounds the number to specified digits

Syntax of Excel Round formula:

In words:
=Round(this number, to this many digits)


Excel ROUND formula can round up or round down the number as per normal mathematics rule. Meaning if digit to be eliminated is 5 or greater than 5 then last remaining digit will be unchanged.

The num_digit argument in the function help specify the digit places:

  • If value of num_digit is positive then it will affect the decimal part of the number i.e. numbers to the right of decimal
  • If value of num_digit is negative then it will affect the integral part of the number i.e. numbers to the left of decimal

If num_digit value is positive then it is simply dictating Excel about how many decimal places you want.

If num_digit value is negative then you are asking Excel to round as follows:

num_digit is -1 = Round to nearest 10
num_digit is -2 = Round to nearest 100
num_digit is -3 = Round to nearest 1000

If num_digit value is Zero then it will round the number to nearest integer.

Examples of Excel Round formula

=ROUND(5.8942,2) will return 5.89
=ROUND(8.67,1) will return 8.7
=ROUND(19.42,0) will return 19
=ROUND(225.87,-1) will return 230