How to do 2 Way Lookup in Excel – One value to lookup with...

I can safely assume that almost everyone knows about LOOKUP formulas or precisely VLOOKUP. That is probably because sights and sounds of Excel don't go without shouts and screams of lookup formulas. Learning Excel...

Understanding, Detecting and Correcting Excel errors – #DIV/0!, #N/A, #NAME?, #NULL!, #NUM!, #REF!, #VALUE!

One way to gauge how successful you are is to know how much you have learnt from your mistakes. But learning cannot happen unless you not only identify the mistake but also admit it as...

Creating Currency Converter in Excel [How To]

In the world we live in where almost every country has its own distinct currency and value, we almost always feel a need to convert one currency to another. These days it is easy...

Excel Conditional VLOOKUP – Switching Between Multiple Lookup Ranges

We all love LOOKUP functions in Excel and the heart favourite is VLOOKUP. We are well introduced to VLOOKUP and have already seen VLOOKUP in action several times, but we never came across a...

My Top 10 personal favourite Excel keyboard shortcuts

Everybody has preferences and likeness towards Excel keyboard shortcuts and I am no exception. So here is my personal top 10 list of Excel keyboard shortcuts that help me immensely when going through my...

Conditional COUNT in Excel: Count cells meeting multiple criteria + Data Cleanup Tip

We have been provided with a top secret data of one lab situated at the very center of the earth. A team of vigilant individuals take readings of different parameters to monitor the temperature...