How Excel VLOOKUP Works: How to use it – Explanation with Example

While explaining LOOKUPs in my previous post, I explained how in daily life we apply lookup functions in different situations and to understand better I explained the example of mathematical lookup table to find...

How Excel LOOKUPs Work: Demystifying mighty functions with an example from past [1 of...

Functions to Excel is like Sense to Humans. Humans with absent sense are no better than crawlers walking on two legs, without functions Excel is just another program with ability to store information and...

Randomly Select a Name from a list in Excel – How To

Suppose you have a long long list of customers from which you have to select a random name. Now this is certainly not a problem if you have tens or even few hundreds of...

10+ ways to SUM Top N values in Excel data range – Ready to...

We all love to add things up. Its always good if things add up to the way we want. And no doubt from Excel newbie to pro everyone uses SUM formula. We have recently...

Birth Dates Heat Map in Excel – How To

First off whoever has birthday on July the 7th my best wishes to all of them. You people have a very interesting birth date. 7 and 7. Everyone's birthday is interesting in one or...

Using SUMIF function with Dates in Excel

I was in the middle of making an accounting project where I had to use SUMIF. This wonderful function that everyone must know especially accountants. In many instances SUMIF can be used as an...